Proudly #AustralianOwned
Every time you support an Australian company – you’re helping to boost economic development and prosperity in Australia, which has a flow on effect that delivers positive outcomes to Australian families and local communities.
That’s something we’re really proud of at Decon: we’re 100% Australian owned and operated, with offices right across the country. We employ a wide variety of skilled professionals from all diversities and backgrounds. Indeed, our people are the reason why we’re invited to contribute to such a wide range of projects.
We’ve been here for over 40 years, shaping the Australian telecommunications landscape with innovative products, such as our telecommunication switchboards and power generation solutions, or delivering on a variety of large-scale projects for some of Australia’s biggest companies.
Here’s to another 40 more years of providing employment opportunities across Australia and delivering on some of the country’s most transformative telecommunications projects.
#AustralianOwned #ProudlyAustralian #TeamDecon