Public and private sector organisations often outsource IT and telecommunications services to keep up with the latest technology. This is because they lack the internal knowledge or resources to do so. The cost of hiring, training, and retaining IT/telecom workers is high. And, maintaining the relevant systems to engage in their services is sometimes beyond their reach. Therefore, utilizing an external team and solutions to manage their IT and/or telecommunications will save time, money, and energy. Allowing them to concentrate on their core business operations.
The Telco tendering system offers a steady stream of IT and Telecommunications contract chances as the main channel for outsourcing and obtaining these services, along with considerable opportunities to grow an IT and/or Telecommunications business.
Opportunities abound, but competition is fierce, so matching tender requirements to your level of expertise and competence is important for success. If, for instance, IP telephone services are your sole experience to date, you do not want to squander valuable time and resources on a mobile voice and data contract. Therefore, you may attempt to secure an IP telephone contract initially, establish a rapport, and subsequently expand your other services to provide a more comprehensive Telecommunications solution.
You may need to read through a few tender specifications for IT and Telecommunications in order to find the one that is most relevant to your organization and suitable for your level of expertise and experience. You'll get a much greater return on your tendering expenditure if you make sure you have a reliable system in place to filter through the facts and make an informed decision to tender.
Developing multidisciplinary solutions that will save and improve efficiency is essential for purchasers. The largest IT and telecommunications firms operate in this manner. The biggest challenge is competing with these enormous companies that claim to be the best. When it comes to obtaining IT and telecommunications bids, demonstrating how much more productive your services are over the long haul and how you have produced solutions with better results can be crucial differentiators. Thus, gathering all the necessary information, statistics, and certifications is essential for proving your success.
Here are some useful tips for you to overcome the challenges of tendering.
- Read all the tender documentation.
While there may be many documents, know what the customer is looking for and whether you can fulfill their needs. Are there areas you should be aiming to develop in if you can't now provide all the IT or telecommunications services so you can bid on and win similar opportunities in the future?
- Check how the tender is structured.
Is the tender divided into lots, or are all the goods and services combined? Make sure you can meet all the standards if it's the latter. This is a wonderful chance to show the customer how you'll accomplish outstanding volume efficiencies. How much will they save if they give you the entire contract? Can you provide some incentives with added value? Likewise, how would your company offer better value than a multi-disciplinary corporation if you were competing for a single contract?
- Realistic thorough transition plan.
The existing/legacy system will likely be transitioned to the new system, unless you are deploying a completely new service. Transition plans should describe the processes involved, the essential roles, the information needed, end-user training, handovers, testing, timeframes, and backup plans.Do you have any anecdotes from your prior experience? What steps will you take if transitional issues arise?
Telco Build aims to ensure you overcome these challenges. Our goal is to save you as much time and effort as possible when searching for a telecommunications contractor/supplier.
We provide telecom solutions and help get your telecommunication projects in front of the best contractors, vendors, and suppliers.
Make the right connections with Telco Build. Contact us today and post a tender.